Hey my friends, family and people all over the world!

I decided long time ago to reactivate my blog but I was delaying it all the time, don't ask why. :)

Now I have great things for reactivation post to put on the blog! ;)

Since Tuesday, 20 November I was in visit to my girlfriend Tina in Prague. For those who don't know, she is Slovak, we met each other on IC in Turkey this summer. She is studying in Brno (Czech Republic) but currently leaving and working for AIESEC Czech Republic in Prague.

So probably all of you wondering what that happened what made me to reactivate my blog... Beside sightseeing, discovering new coffee shops, pubs, restaurants and parts of the city I was COOKING FOR FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. Just to make it clear under cooking I don't count eggs, hot dogs and that kind of stuffs.

So what I was cooking? I don't know how much is usual in other Serbian family cousins, but in cousin of my mum it is :) That is Emperors pie (Carska pita) and Fritters - Beef dough nuts (Mesnati ustipci). I was very good, of course with great assistance of Tina, and everybody are good until know (that was 4 days ago), happy, satisfied and, what is the most important, they like it. There was nothing left! :) If somebody want recipe, just e-mail me or ask over comment ;)

Also those are some photos as a proofs! Dragice, mum, you should be proud on me! :)

As majority of people know, day after, on 21 November, England and Croatia were playing last game of qualification for UEFA Euro 2008 in soccer/football. So what was that much unforgettable? I was sitting in English pub with Ines (friend from Croatia) and 2 English and 1 Norway colleagues of her and watching the game England-Croatia in pub packed with English funs and that game was deciding will England go on Euro 2008 or stay at home! And as cherry on the top was that England was loosing whole game and they lost at the end from Croatia 3:2, so Ines and me we were only one who was not sad in that pub. You should see faces of that English guys. They were so happy and proud in some moments, making great atmosphere but... somebody needs to stay at home, Serbia is staying as well :)

What are you think who is Norway guy on the photo? :P

Until next post...

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